Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I believe that laughter really is the best form of medicine, that boys still have cooties, that fairy tales exist, that love can make miracles, that we tend to complicate things, that trust and respect are not given rights but things that are earned.

I believe in having fun, finding the good in everyone (or at least trying to), chocolate fixes everything, you're never too old for Disney movies, and smiling at strangers has the potential to turn their whole day around.

I believe that candle-lit dinners are overrated, that society is responsible for a majority of the World's problems, that we are our best teachers, that we often seek advice even if we already  know the answer, that math is pointless, that there is nothing more beautiful than an old couple laughing and holding hands, that hope will get you through even the toughest of times, and that ice cream is only fattening if you think is.

I believe that to get what we want out of life we have to be willing to give in return, that nature is beauty in its purest form, that photographs should be taken anywhere and everywhere, that it's okay to cry every once in a while, that who you are isn't determined by what you say but by what you say about others.

I believe that everyone deserves a second chance, that anything is better handmade, that no matter how hard I try I'll never fully understand football, that worrying is silly, and happiness is the best goal one could have for themselves.

I believe that when we choose to believe in something, or someone, we shouldn't let anything (or anyone) change our minds. I believe that there is a reason for everything and that God wouldn't put us through it if we were not strong enough to over come it. I believe that warm weather brings out the best in people, that summer is meant for carefree living, that you shouldn't do something unless you absolutely love it, that two people can be together forever, and that there is someone out there for everyone.

I believe that looking for something makes it harder to find, stress is a waste of time, and that expectations are stupid.

Lastly, I believe that it is up to no one but ourselves to see to it that we live our lives the way we see fit and that if we want something, sitting around doing nothing is not the way to get it.

** pardon the terrible quality of the picture, but that is my wrist tattoo and I thought it fitting for this post **

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