Monday, March 12, 2012


In a society where one minute we're told to 'just be ourselves', and the next, those same people are the ones whispering behind our backs about this and that, it's no wonder we're never satisfied.

Nothing upsets me more than how contradicting people can be. They're either encouraging those of us who aren't quite comfortable in our own skin to be a little more daring once in a while, or secretly, or maybe not so secretly, hating us for being content with who we are.

Make up your damn minds!

Although I'm in agreeance that there is such thing as too much confidence, to the point that you sound a bit full of yourself, there is nothing wrong with giving yourself a compliment or two when it's deserved. Nor is there anything wrong with being a little concerned with how you look when sporting something you don't wear often.

The problem with society, and people in general, is that we are too quick to judge. To those of us with some confidence and the balls, for lack of a better word, to tell people how we really feel, we're often viewed as cocky, arrogant individuals who pride ourselves in being bitchy or rude. On the contrary though, we don't see anything wrong with a little honesty in a world where fake is the new real...And to those of you who are more concerned with how other people view you, I will admit that I once thought of you as pathetic, quiet, and boring. I'm happy to say that I no longer feel that way, as I've made some drastic changes in the way I go about things. 

I've come to understand, as I should have from the start, that you cannot truly 'get' another human being, ever. You have not been through their trials and tribulations, which means that you haven't any idea what they've been through, seen, or done. And even if you have, you will never fully comprehend their train of thought as you do not reside inside their head. Something that may seem small and insignificant to you, may be the reason someone's entire day is ruined. 

My point being that if we want people to give us a chance, instead of stamping labels on each other's foreheads that are so far from the truth it's almost amusing, we, in turn, have to give others a chance, too. As much as I would love to live in a world where human beings do not judge one another, I know that is not possible. However, I think that if you keep an open mind and understand that we were each given the ability to think and decide for ourselves for a reason, it will become a lot easier to get along with others...

Remember, you get what you give.

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