Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grow Up

When I was little, my third grade teacher asked us the infamous question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?". Most of the kids in my class answered with typical responses like a teacher, a fireman, Godzilla (okay, maybe not so typical), a veterinarian, a singer, etc. When it was my turn to answer, I proudly stated that I was going to be a Princess when I got older, something I had decided a looooong time ago. I got a few snickers from the girls, and more than my fair share of dumbfounded looks from the boys. One of my classmates even had the nerve to tell me that there was no way I'd ever be a Princess when I grew up because they're 'not real.' I've always detested know-it-alls, thinking it's their given right to go around deflating your dreams with their logic...

I hate to admit it, but as I got older I realized she was right. Although Princesses do exist, they're an endangered species, residing mostly in countries outside the U.S. So, it was on to Plan B, whatever that was. To be completely honesty, I'm still not entirely sure as to what I want to do with my life, and I'm okay with that. In all honesty, the only thing that has ever concerned me, in regards to my future, was my happiness.

It frustrates me to no end to see people telling others to 'grow up' as if that's something desirable. Sure, you get to drink (legally), buy lottery tickets, even rent a car... But suddenly you're faced with all these decisions, decisions that determine your future! I miss the days where the only thing that concerned me was if I had managed to get my shoes on the right feet.

Also, who's to say what being 'grown up' truly means? You may pay your own bills, have a kid or two, or sport a beautiful diamond ring on your left hand, but if you're still going around criticizing other people for going about their lives the way they choose, you mine as well still be in third grade with that little know-it-all.

Age doesn't determine maturity, and I think people tend to forget that. I know quite a few eleven-year-olds who could tell you a lot more about what's going on in the world than your average college student. Why's that? Because we're too busy worrying about what parties we're going to tomorrow night and what kind of booze we should buy with our last ten dollars. I think that the best indicator of maturity are the types of things we choose to care about. Needless to say if you're favorite hobby is trolling on Facebook and bitching on Twitter about other people bitching on Twitter, you need to reevaluate your life a little....

My point being that we need to think about all the shit we give other people for caring about things and people, when we're doing no better ourselves. Ironic? Hardly.

I've always lived by the belief that if you can't take your own advice, you shouldn't go around dishing it out to others. You are your best teacher, after all.

With that being said, mind your own beeswax (;

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