Thursday, March 15, 2012

The pressure to be perfect

I look better, and by better I mean I look much more like myself, when I don't cake on make-up; plastering my eyelids with neon colors and pretending I just stepped off some Caribbean cruise with my, obviously fake, bronzed skin.

As of recent I've come to terms with the fact that I will never be fully satisfied with the way I look, not until I face reality, that is. There will always be girls who are prettier, thinner, tanner, and seemingly happier than me. But that doesn't mean that I'm hideous, fat, or depressed. In fact, until recently I hadn't realized how much happier I am when I don't put so much effort into my appearance. I tend to look  my 'best' when my outfit is thrown together at the last minute, my hair's still kind of wet from the shower, there's only trace of liner on my eyes, and some color dusted onto my cheeks.

I always laughed at the idea of being 'pretty' without make up. After all, they invented it for a reason, didn't they? But it's true. People have either disregarded or entirely forgotten the phrase a little goes a long way, instead choosing to resemble some airbrushed Barbie doll.

I'm not the first to admit that I've always been self-conscious, taking every negative comment, regarding my looks, to heart. Spending hours in front of a mirror trying to 'perfect' myself; making sure every strand of hair  fell perfectly in place, every eyelash was curled, every blemish hidden under layers of make up that usually didn't even come close to my actual skin tone...And all for what?

Certainly not to please some boy; they hardly ever notice your makeup. And if they do, it's probably because you're wearing too much. Let's face it, girls get ready for each other, whether anyone else will admit it or not. At the end of the day, a boy is more concerned with your clothes spending the night on their bedroom floor. It's girls that pass judgement if your dress it 'too tight' or your not having the best hair day. That's what we do, we pick at things, all the little imperfections. We hold magnifying glasses over one another in hopes to make ourselves feel a little better.

We all have insecurities.

So, what good does all the judging really do? There is not a single thing we actually gain from putting others down. Any confidence we feel after insulting someone is short-lived, made up, all in our heads. When you pick on others, you honestly just look like an complete asshole...

We are who we are, and the sooner we learn to embrace our flaws, along with everyone else's, the happier we'll be. There is no such thing as perfection. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Just because someone doesn't dress like you or style their hair like you, doesn't mean they're not beautiful.

So ladies, next time you want to complain about how you're not getting the respect you 'deserve' consider this: it's probably because you've spent the last twenty minutes giving every girl in the bar the up-down and gossiping with your friends.

The second we start to accept one another the better off we'll be. I'm definitely not innocent when it comes to talking shit, especially when the green monster decides to rear it's ugly head because some girl looks wayyyyy better in the dress I tried on earlier today. It's not going to make me any prettier. So instead of criticizing her, I'm going to start telling the truth. If something looks good on someone, I'm going to tell them, and I'm going to mean it. A genuine compliment goes a long way, remember that.

I could go on forever about all of the things I don't like about myself, but it won't make them disappear. Besides, I find that to be truly happy with someone, I don't want to have to put on some act, pretending to be someone I'm not, always feeling the need to be dolled up. I want someone who still thinks I'm beautiful when I'm sporting sweat pants and have yet to shower.

The pressure to be perfect only exists when we give into it. Don't let anyone tell  you that you're not good enough just the way you are, because they're wrong. 

Rock what you've got <3


  1. Stop posting awesome stuff! Seriously knock it off. P.S. its opposite day haha keep writing. Maybe other girls will read this stuff and get their shit together :) I already told you before but you write some pretty real things and you are wayy ahead of other chicks

  2. I'll stop posting awesome stuff when people stop being ignorant (:

    I'm educating here Jim. And thanks, again :D
