Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Relationships end for all kinds of reasons - broken trust, loss of interest, sometimes you even 'outgrow' one another. In my opinion though, there's nothing worse than losing the ability to play. I'm big on continuing to do the things I did when I was kid, like coloring in a coloring book, watching Disney movies, making cupcakes for no reason at all, having tickle fights, playing dress up, taking silly pictures, coloring Easter eggs, etc. I may be aging, but in my opinion that isn't reason enough to stop enjoying myself, in fact, I believe it should be the exact opposite...

It's important to hold onto your youth, any way that you can. Just because we're getting older doesn't mean we have to become these lifeless, boring individuals; a little immaturity (if that's what you'd like to refer to it as, personally I would consider it 'fun') never hurt anybody, as long as it's used in a positive manner.

It's relationships where the individuals involved can manage to make each other laugh, even when it seems as though nothing else could possibly go wrong, that last.

I'm not the perfect girlfriend, but I do try my hardest. And I think that although trust is important, it's not enough to hold a bland relationship together. Have a little fun. Be stupid, within reason of course. Tell knock-knock jokes if you must. I'm not suggesting you do things that you wouldn't normally do, although it never hurt, I'm simply saying that spending time with your significant other will seem a lot more enjoyable if you're not constantly worrying about making a fool of yourself - Just be you.

We tend to lose what made our relationship work in the beginning; what initially attracted us to this person suddenly seems to disappear because we become blinded by all the things they "aren't doing" or aren't doing right. We let the stresses of our lives, the things we cannot control, follow us around and ruin our moods, our lives, and our relationships...If we can recall that we had fun together at one point, we will be able to survive in the end. At least that's my theory.

We have the rest of our lives to hold serious jobs and live boring, routine lives if we so choose. Thus, we should, at the very least, let our relationships be the little reminder that fun still exists out there somewhere. In fact, let life in general be the little reminder that fun didn't die with the dinosaurs...Giggle when someone says the word 'penis' (unless, of course, it was your boss), drink a little too much every now and then, color your significant other a picture out of and old coloring book, pick them flowers, hold hands on the swings; let go of everything else for a little while and just enjoy being together and being alive!

It is scientifically proven that happy people are more attractive (;

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